
Showing posts from September, 2019

Stress Management

STRESS MANAGEMENT 6 Simple Ways to Manage and Overcome Stress 1. Take a minute. Whenever we’re stressed and feeling as if our lives are out of our control, it's critical we learn to take a mental and emotional "time out." We need to take a minute and calm the reactive nature of our mind so we can work towards embracing the understanding that our lives aren't out of control, it is simply the situation we're in that feels out of control. We must remind ourselves that all things come to resolution eventually. When we’re feeling anxious it is common to try and push the river as a method of ridding ourselves of the painful and intense emotions we are feeling. However, forcing situations to their closure often comes a greater cost than dealing with the current levels of anxiety we’re feeling. Take a minute and remind yourself that giving things a little space is sometimes the best way to bring uncertainty back to certainty. 2. Balance what you can. When times are

Best Of Luck


Basic Rules of Grammar


Mahek Moriswala : Dancing Diva


Tejas participated in Read to lead inter school competition


Gold and silver medals won in karate by Vaishnavee
